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Height Bars and Low Clearance Bars in Car Parks

Height bars and low clearance bars are used to prevent tall vehicles from driving into areas where they might damage the ceilings or where tall vehicles could seriously injure someone who accidentally drove into them. They’re most commonly found in parking garages, but you can also find them at factories, warehouses, and even private homes.  

Height Bars and Low Clearance Bars are installed in car parks to prevent any vehicle from entering or leaving the car park if their height exceeds the specified height limit. Height Bars have proved useful in preventing damage to other cars, property, and even pedestrians.  

What is a Height Bar? 

A height bar is a bar fitted at an entrance to a car park, they are particularly important for car parks with limited clearances or where there are safety issues at low levels. Height bars are also sometimes known as low clearance bars or bumper bars, but no matter what they’re called you should always check that there isn’t one present before driving into a car park. If you do come across one then it can be very difficult to get past without damaging your vehicle, so it’s best to try somewhere else instead.  

Why Do I Need One? 

If you’re thinking about parking your car at a public car park, you need to know about height bars or low clearance bars. You don’t want to damage your car by hitting one of these; especially if it costs thousands of dollars to fix. But what are they? Here’s an explanation from our experts: Height bars are hanging bars that prevent vehicles from entering or exiting a driveway or parking lot without an adequate amount of clearance. In most cases, there is a sign somewhere near these bars clearly telling drivers how much clearance is needed in order to enter safely. 

How Do I Measure For Height Bar Installations? 

Before choosing height bars for your car park or parking lot, it’s important to understand how you should measure. Measuring is not as simple as grabbing a tape measure and getting out there. To ensure safety, there are specific techniques for measuring for height bars; otherwise, you could be putting people at risk of injury or liability for any damage they might cause to their vehicle on or near your property.  

Measure from ground level: The most important thing to remember when measuring from ground level is that it must be accurate. You can’t have one centimetre of leeway here so it’s very important to either measure from a flat surface (such as concrete) or have a perfectly straight edge to use as a guide.  

The other most important factor to consider is what the lowest point of your ceiling or overhead obstruction is. This measurement is what the entrance to the area, and the height bar clearance, should be installed at.    

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