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Traffic Safety Systems

Directional, Informative, and Safety Signs in Car Parks

Car park signage assists people navigate safely around a parking lot, both to find the exit and to find where they’re allowed to park. Car park safety signs are used to make sure people are aware of safety procedures in place, so that people can be safe when using the car park. Here we cover all the different types of directional, informative and safety signs you may come across in a car park.

Directional Signs

Directional car park signs are essential for helping people find their way around a large parking areas. Directional car park signs tell you how to reach certain exits or areas of your car park, such as ‘This Way to Entry’ or ‘Office Parking’. Different coloured backgrounds and arrows can also be used to indicate where an exit is. In addition to directional signage that shows where you’re going, there are also more detailed car park maps that help make sure you never get lost on your way out.

Information Signs

Signage provides information to car park visitors. In most instances it will relate to finding a particular area or vehicle. Information signage is designed to assist people that may be unfamiliar with your car park or any potential hazards within it. Car park information signs will usually indicate which car parks are available and whether there are any restrictions on what you can use them for or how long you can park there for. They will also inform motorists where they should go if they have incurred a penalty or some other problem while using your car park such as an accident, vandalism etc.

Safety Signs

Car parks can be dangerous places to walk around! Drivers often pull into car parks without looking out for pedestrians. In some car parks there are no designated walkways so pedestrians must weave their way through rows of parked cars. There are also a lot of blind spots which drivers cannot see behind them when they back out. Car Park Safety Signs can help by providing information on what rules apply in each parking lot. Stop signs and speed limit signs are the most common way to keep everyone safe. Signs that indicate where pedestrians can safely walk, as well as signs that indicate closing hours of car parks to avoid your car getting locked inside and yourself stranded are also imperative!


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